David Letterman’s disdain for his guests are beyond belief, how people go
to his show I dont know…I remember he used to scream in their ears “thank
you for coming to the show”. I am sure he and his staff beg people to come
to the show than he insults them in an underhanded sort of way. Letterman
used to be funny when he was young. How he could do this to a young Pete
Sampras is beyond stupid and not funny, obviously Sampras looks so
bewildered wondering this is not funny. I miss Don Rickles who would make
fun of people in a hilarious outlandish way but was so outlandish it could
not be insulting really, but simply hilarious to even the person he was
making fun of. I don’t see Sampras laughing here.
Sampras one of my all time favorites, but god he comes off as a giant
boring douchewaffle here!
wow Sampras looks so young here
Maybe because he was?
look that everything, crappy 90s style.
Look that shoes! 😀 lol
Just a cool guy
damnge wasa sex y thing back then veingshy just made him hotter
Just you.
in my opinion he’sabout like Jordan from nkotb. and abit like a young tom
is it me or does Pete remind you of Justin Bieber when he was on David
Letterman in Nov 2011…
David Letterman’s disdain for his guests are beyond belief, how people go
to his show I dont know…I remember he used to scream in their ears “thank
you for coming to the show”. I am sure he and his staff beg people to come
to the show than he insults them in an underhanded sort of way. Letterman
used to be funny when he was young. How he could do this to a young Pete
Sampras is beyond stupid and not funny, obviously Sampras looks so
bewildered wondering this is not funny. I miss Don Rickles who would make
fun of people in a hilarious outlandish way but was so outlandish it could
not be insulting really, but simply hilarious to even the person he was
making fun of. I don’t see Sampras laughing here.
Sampras one of my all time favorites, but god he comes off as a giant
boring douchewaffle here!
wow Sampras looks so young here
Maybe because he was?
look that everything, crappy 90s style.
Look that shoes! 😀 lol
Just a cool guy
damnge wasa sex y thing back then veingshy just made him hotter
Just you.
in my opinion he’sabout like Jordan from nkotb. and abit like a young tom
is it me or does Pete remind you of Justin Bieber when he was on David
Letterman in Nov 2011…